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List of Natural Burial Grounds

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Norton Disney Big Wood Natural Burial Ground, Lincolnshire

The Burial site at Norton Big Wood is as one would imagine an area designated for woodland burials to be like.

It is in mature Oak woodland and is accessed by a well-worn footpath which opens out into a beautiful glade. In Spring the area is carpeted with Blue bells and in Autumn the golden colours provide a stunning backdrop to the area.

You are able to select a burial plot from the choices provided by the burials manager who will ensure that everything is organised and taken care of in a sympathetic and efficient manner. For those who have chosen cremation we have an area adjacent to the main burial area where ashes caskets can be laid to rest. Simple, natural and reasonably priced, Norton Big Wood offers a unique opportunity; it is an alternative to traditional graveyard burials and crematorium ceremonies and provides a permanent connection with nature.

At our organisation, Hill Holt Wood, we like to work holistically, so linking all aspects of the work we do to maximise the benefits we bring to both people and the environment.

To this end monies that are earned from the burial side of the business are reinvested in the maintenance of the woodland, but the innovative thing about this is that it is carried out by the volunteers who make up our mental health provision.

This is what we call benefit stacking; the woodland is managed and therefore looks appealing, the area is available to people wanting a woodland burial and this fits their perception of that exactly, the money generated serves to fund the Rangers running the mental health programme and the volunteers benefit immensely from the green therapy that they undertake.

Making a positive difference to people’s lives throughout their life is what we are about, and we feel that we have achieved this with this project.

If you have any feedback on this site please complete our Feedback Form

Contact Oliver Woodman

Site Address Norton Disney Big Wood

Wood Lane

Town Norton Disney

County Lincolnshire

PostCode LN6 9QQ

Telephone 01636 892836

Correspondence address Hill Holt Wood, Norton Disney, Lincoln, LN6 9JP

Natural burial plots

Interment of ashes

Scattering of ashes

Price list is on website

Memorials Benches, trees and bird boxes

No appointment necessary to visit burial ground

Someone is available to guide visitors with appointment

Dogs on leads welcome

Visiting opening hours Open to the public 365 days a year. Car Park open 9.30 - 3.30 Mon - Fri, 9.00 - 4.00 Weekends

You may choose whichever funeral director you wish

Friends and family can undertake all or part of the funeral service themselves

Completely natural, biodegradable coffin materials

The future of the site, its maintenance and management
Managed for enhanced biodiversity

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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