List of Natural Burial GroundsThe world of natural burial is very varied, and largely unregulated, but those sites that belong to the Association of Natural Burial Grounds are all bound by our Code of Conduct, aimed at ensuring the highest professional and environmental standards. In acknowledgement of this, the Natural Death Centre runs The People's Awards for the best Natural Burial Ground in the UK, celebrating the personal attention to detail and support given by the staff at natural burial grounds, which makes such a difference to bereaved families. Our members pay membership fees to the ANBG in direct relation to the number of burials carried out annually at each site, and this money helps to fund the work of the Natural Death Centre Charity both helping and advising individual families, and assisting new burial grounds to become established. Our members have been - and continue to be - absolutely key to helping the natural burial ground movement grow in this country, and the Association is proud to enjoy members with the same shared outlook of helping each other and helping the Natural Death Centre, the Charity that was at the heart of establishing the concept of natural burial. Fairspear Natural Burial Ground
In compliance with the ANBG Code of Conduct, members give families our Feedback Form which is then returned to the Natural Death Centre (not to the site itself). This unique scheme ensures that we can accurately monitor the quality of service and support provided, and provides families with a formal and professional framework for sharing any complaints or issues, as well as praise or thanks. The People's Awards are entirely based on the feedback forms received at the NDC. There are now over 270 natural burial sites in the UK. The type and standards vary hugely. Some are operated by local authorities alongside their more traditional cemeteries. Some are privately owned and run by the landowners and their families, or by staff they have employed. Some are owned by large corporate companies or are run in partnership between the landowner and a larger 'umbrella' organisation. There are a number of reasons why a site might not belong to the ANBG - some may be ineligible, others may have chosen not to participate. If you are considering a non member site, it might be worth you asking why they do not belong to the Association of Natural Burial Grounds. No matter which site you are considering, we would strongly advise you to make contact with the burial operator and to visit the site before making a decision. Nothing compares with seeing the place for yourself. Unfortunately we are unable to make comment or provide further information on non member sites.
Members of the
Association of Natural Burial Grounds
South East
South West
East Midlands
West Midlands
North East
North West
Northern Ireland
Europe and International
If you have had experience of any of the natural burial grounds above, please tell us about it. Your comments will help us give advice to other member of the public. Please print out and complete the feedback form below, with as much detail as possible. If any sections are not relevant to you, please leave them blank (i.e. if you have visited the burial site but not attended a funeral). Natural Burial Ground Feedback Form We have provisional members in the planning process or looking for suitable land in the following areas: Arundel Berkshire Doncaster Dorset Gloucestershire Hampshire Isle of Wight Jersey Kent Lancashire North West Wales South Staffordshire South West London / Surrey South East Scotland Somerset Suffolk Surrey Wales Warwickshire Yorkshire
If you are thinking about starting up a natural burial site click here to find out how being a provisional member of The Association of Natural Burial Grounds can help you. If you would like to join the ANBG, please use the PayPal button below to subscribe. For existing burial ground operators, membership is graded by the number of plot sales in the previous 12 months - see drop down button below. Please contact us for higher band fees.