Our work is only possible through the generous support of people like you. Please consider making a donation to ensure we can help the next family who call on us.

Don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation

Thank you for your support



ANBG Membership

To be allowed to become a full member of the Association, a natural burial ground must be willing to allow the use of simple, cardboard coffins and shroud burials; it must allow families to organise a funeral without a funeral director if they so wish; it must guarantee long-term security for the graves; and it must manage its site sustainably and ecologically.

In addition to the feedback the Association receives from the public regarding the level of customer service experienced, we also undertake cyclical site inspections of ANBG member sites.


To join the Association

Please read the ANBG Code of Conduct and check that you can meet the set criteria.

Send a completed the Application Form and payment to the Natural Death Centre. Alternatively pay online:

Membership is calculated by the number of plot sales in the previous 12 months. This ensures that larger and busier sites contribute a proportional amount to the organisation and smaller, newer sites are encouraged to join for a small sum in subscription.

ANBG Membership. Please choose from the following options

For plot sales of 81 or above, please pay for ANBG membership via Cheque or BACS.  Details can be found on the Application form above.
If you would like more information or if your burial site falls into one of the higher banding costs please contact us

What do I get as a member of the ANBG?

Membership of the ANBG will give you:

Referrals from the NDC whenever an enquiry is received about natural burial grounds in your area. Membership of the ANBG ensures that we can give enquirers comprehensive information about your site and assure them of the quality of service you offer, something that we are unable to do for burial grounds that are not part of the Association. Our telephone Helpline and online enquiry service receive frequent requests for information from the members of the public who are considering natural burial.

Enhanced online listing on the NDC website with a link to your own site. The NDC website has a high Google ranking under all search terms relating to natural burial, thus potentially benefiting all ANBG members listed on the site.

Independent accreditation from a nationally recognised charity for your burial ground as an upholder of the best practice in natural burial provision through compliance with our Code of Conduct.

Reassurance and confidence for the public through the provision of our exclusive ANBG feedback system.

Visibility to the public via the high profile of the NDC. The status of the NDC as a charity ensures it is routinely listed as a source of information by hospices, hospitals, government organisations and other charities, often with direct links from their websites to ours. 

Our information leaflets are distributed to places where people die as well as organisations providing information after death for bereaved relatives.

Enhanced access to the media. As a charity with over twenty years experience, the NDC is unique in its knowledge of the sector, and is the first point of call for national and local media for comment and reference on the subject of natural burial. We direct journalists to our members wherever possible.

Representation at high level within the professional and academic worlds. Views of our members are represented by the NDC at both the many professional body committees we belong to, and in our collaborative work with several academic departments developing and scrutinising funeral and body disposal practices.

A presence on the social networking sites. Members can benefit from the growing profile of the NDC on social networking sites, with the NDC twitter account, facebook group and facebook page.

Opportunities to align with the NDC at conferences and events. ANBG members are always welcome to join the NDC promoting our work at the many conferences, talks, exhibitions, presentations and events we participate in throughout the UK on dying, funeral and environmental matters.

Access to advice and consultation from the manager of the NDC, Rosie Inman-Cook, including help with all queries from planning stages to the running of your natural burial site.

A connection with other natural burial ground operators across the UK through our regular members' meetings and our members' only Google Group. The invaluable support and sharing of information makes this one of the most appreciated benefits of joining the association.

Access to the combined knowledge of the association, its trustees and members when faced with queries/problems. Existing members greatly value the cameraderie and the cessation of any feelings of isolation.

The ANBG newsletter several times a year, with tips and pointers keeping you up to date with what is new in the natural burial movement.

Additional visibility on the NDC website with members' photographs across all pages of the NDC site.

ANBG certificate and logos to use on websites and literature.

International members receive all of the above, with the exception of access to the feedback system.

All fees received from members of the Association are used directly to support the work done by the Natural Death Centre to promote the alternative funeral movement throughout the UK.








The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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