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List of Natural Burial Grounds

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In Japan, more than 99% of people choose cremation. While searching for a more sustainable burial method, 循環葬 RETURN TO NATURE is a unique Japanese  interment of ashes that is as friendly as possible to nature and people within the current law.

While the choices for one’s own way of life increase, the choices for “death” that inevitably come to everyone are few.

Without being bound by family system, gender, religion, or nationality it would be nice to have a more free-thinking way of sleeping that suits oneself.

We, 循環葬® RETURN TO NATURE, are a future-oriented circulation  interment of ashes service that responds to such people’s wishes.

As trees return to the soil and eventually become nutrients for the forest. We transform both human life and death into something valuable for the future.

Wishing for a future where people and nature are comfortable and everyone coexists why don’t you leave a legacy of “rich forest” to the next generation?


Contact Yuta Masaki

Site Address 661 Nomanaka Nosecho Toyonogun

County Osaka, Japan

Interment of ashes

Price list is on website

Someone is available to guide visitors with appointment

Visiting opening hours 10am ー 15pm

On site facilities Car Park, WCs

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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