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List of Natural Burial Grounds

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De Utrecht Natural Burial Ground, The Netherlands


De Utrecht, natural burial ground is formed from a former conifer plantation and covers approximately 65 acres.  In 2015 it was transformed into a nature reserve with five different habitats.  You will find moorland, wetlands, a shady wood, a light wood and a birch forest.
There are two naturally formed amphitheatres where ceremonies can be held.  One is by a lake the other on the edge of the birch forest.
Families and individuals can choose whichever area they would like for their plot. There is generous spacing between plots and ashes interments can be placed alongside full body burials.  We welcome reburial of remains from other cemeteries where long term burial rights are not available.
The circular access path is easily utilised by wheelchairs and a golf buggy is present for people with mobility difficulties.
De Utrecht is operated by a charity, EEN&AL natuurbefraven, once the burial site is full, this organisation will take responsibility for the nature reserve's future upkeep.


Website www.nbpu.nl

Contact Joyce Sengers

Site Address De Scheidijk 1

5085 Nr Esbeek (Hilvarenbeek)

The Netherlands (South, near Tilburg and Breda)

Telephone 0031 13 2032175

Site manager Joyce Sengers

Natural burial plots

Interment of ashes

Scattering of ashes

Price list is on website

Visiting opening hours Sunrise to sunset

ANBG Member

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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