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Carole Truman FRSA, Greater Manchester, Lancashire & the Northwest of England, will travel further for additional costs
I can offer support and or guidance to create a meaningful funeral or memorial ceremony which is right for the person who has died and for those they were close to.  As an experienced funeral celebrant, I have worked with many families, significant others and friendship networks over the years to create meaningful ceremonies which are inclusive and support the involvement of those who wish to contribute to the ceremony.

In all cases, I would encourage you to contact me by phone to discuss how I can support you in the preparation, planning and conduct of the funeral with as much or as little input from me as required.


My ‘standard; fee is £160.00.  This would involve an initial telephone consultation, a planning meeting with those organising the funeral (usually including next of kin), consultations with others involved in the funeral ceremony, preparation of a funeral transcript in a keep-sake folder, delivery of the ceremony as required, travel costs within a 20 mile radius. Travel further afield is always possible with additional mileage charges.


I have been a fully trained and accredited by the British Humanist Association Ceremonies Network since 2005.  I am also a supporter of the Natural Death Centre and member of the Natural Death Society since its inception in 2012.  In 2011, I was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.



Telephone 07905 212007 (M) 01204 692351 (H)

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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