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Gerrie Douglas-Scott -Celebrate People - Ayrshire
I am part of Celebrate People, an organisation that is passionate about looking after the earth and each other at all stages of life, from start to end. We have 'respect for our earth' written into our values and beliefs.
I am one of the founders of Celebrate People and have conducted around 2000 funerals and celebrations of life and love since 2003.  I was formerly NHS Adviser in Involving People in all aspects of healthcare, so the passion, care and those skills have continued into my celebrant work.  All of our celebrants in Scotland, England and Eire encourage eco-friendly weddings and funerals and are happy to give advice and information where we can.
It would be my privilege to get to know your loved one through you and be able to reflect their person and their life and loves in a meaningful and true celebration of their life.  I am very content to work online or in person, when restrictions allow.  Whatever works for you really!  The most important thing, i believe, is that you feel you are able to experience the beginning of healing for yourselves and for the earth that holds us.


Telephone 07739 826377

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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