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Lesley Arnold-Hopkins East Sussex & Kent, will travel further for additional costs
A funeral service is an individual event, reflecting the person who has died and those who loved them. Some find comfort in a traditional approach while others want something completely different.
I’m here to help you to put together the secular funeral that you want. If you have no ideas about what to include, no problem, I can make suggestions. If you have lots of thoughts, great, we can talk them through to make sure that they all work as you wish them to.
Whether you want me to write and deliver the whole ceremony, read out contributions from friends and family, or act as MC, introducing those who wish to speak, the choice is yours.
After the ceremony, I give you a copy of the words to keep and can also email them to you, if you wish.
I also conduct Memorials and other ceremonies of remembrance.
Fee: £215 plus travelling costs if outside of area.


Telephone 01424 437939 / 07969 383819

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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