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Rev Kate Hill London, Kent and Sussex

I am an ordained Interfaith Minister and spiritual counsellor. I offer tailormade funeral service and memorial services that can be as creative or traditional as you would like - a service that truly remembers and celebrates the life of the person who has died.

I can also help you to create your own advance funeral wishes to let your loved ones know your preferences and practical arrangements that you would like to be be made for you when the time comes.

I can offer support, guidance and clarity around the range of choices available to you when a loved one dies. If you would just like a conversation to explore options do get in touch.

I am affiliated to the Interfaith Foundation and a full member of the IMA (the membership and professional body for The Interfaith Foundation) and abide by the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation code of Ethics.
Funerals and Memorial services
£180 - £220 (depending on travel and any other costs)

Advance Funeral wishes
Sessions by Skype/phone or in person are £55. For preparing the final advance wishes document there is a charge of £25.00.


Telephone Mobile: 07968993113 Landline: 020 8985 9179

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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