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Naomi Jones Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire

A funeral service is the final rite of passage in our lives; it is important both for those left behind and the person who has died as it marks the change in their status - they are no longer with us physically, and a change in our relationship with them - we can no longer talk with them directly. It is important that the occasion is marked and that those left behind are comfortable with how this is achieved. If there is a service using a celebrant, this means that you can have a strong influence on the content in order that it reflects the personality and values of the person who has gone, as well as giving you something you are content to remember.

Working with a celebrant can help you to achieve all this; with their support you can find music, poems or readings that help evoke what you want; they can tell the life story for you if you find it too difficult to speak yourself and they can enable you to have said all that needs to be said. The intention is to celebrate a life whilst moving us towards the next step forward in living our own lives.


The fee is £180, with reasonable expenses for travel outside my area.
I trained with, and am a member of, the Fellowship of Independent Celebrants (FOIC)


Telephone 07496 730 769

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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