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Lilian Clesham South Yorkshire, North Derbyshire Nottinghamshire - willing to consider traveling anywhere.

I believe everyone should have the ceremony that they want which reflects their values and how they lived their life. No two ceremonies could be alike because everyone is unique so your ceremony should be. Your ceremony should be beautiful and meaningful and fully reflect all of you.

I am available for those nearing the end of life who would like to plan and prepare for their passing from this life and their end of life ceremony.

I will help you create the ceremony you want drawing from the spirituality of sacred texts, if appropriate, or the spirituality of music, prose or poetry. I will lead prayers or draw from the rich tradition of human life if you believe in people rather than a God then perhaps a Humanist ceremony would be fitting.

I will support you tenderly in your grief and help you navigate the precious painful time that loss can  cause.

A service can be held anywhere in nature, in your home, at a graveside.

Fee £150 weekdays, weekend rate £200 plus mileage of 30p per mile over 20 miles.  Additional expenses at cost.

Affiliations  AOIC , Interfaith Ministers Association. BACP



Telephone 0114 255 4373

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The New Natural Death Handbook fifth edition is out now, this book is a must read for everyone. Completely revised and expanded into a boxed set of three books... Read more

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)



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